It's Electric!
So I got in the mood today to electrocute a pickle, and figured it would work as an exciting demonstration for some of my students. After...

Favorite Halloween Science
It is almost Halloween, readers, and even though my family doesn’t celebrate this holiday, over the years we have accumulated a wide...

Weekend Plans Part 3
In case you missed last weekend’s National Chemistry celebration at the Museum of Science, do not despair! The week ends with a similarly...

All the Things You Can Do with Dry Ice
Sometimes, I think to myself that I need to spend more time playing with dry ice. I imagine that this thought is not universally shared,...

Weekend Plans Part 2
This is a wonderful weekend to be a chemist in Boston, because we are starting National Chemistry Week on Sunday with an enormous...

Robot Building 101
Let’s say you wanted to build a robot, and you wanted to do it on a relatively low budget and accessible to young children. This was my...

Weekend Plans
What are you up to this weekend, scientists? If you haven’t checked out King Richard’s Faire, in Carver, MA, this would be a great time...

Rocket Making 101
So you are thinking you want to make a rocket…. or maybe not you, but you have an elementary-school aged child who has made rockets, or...

Motion Sickness
Having taken three children on several road trips in Israel, and in this country, I can say with scientific accuracy that one of my thee...

Parenting All Over the World
Our family recently came back from a 5 month sabbatical in Israel, just over a month ago. Even though I have spent nearly my entire life...