To Conclude the Shortest Month
Why is February such a short month? Did you ever wonder that, readers? Is that question keeping you up at night? Well, wonder no more! It...

Snakes, Snakes, and more Snakes
Talking about snakes, today, readers. So if that makes you all squirmy (no pun intended!) may be best to move on. But, as part of my...

More February Weekend Ideas
Coming up on another vacation week next week, readers, and lots of options of things to do with your children. Did you know that The...

With Love from The Party Elements
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and in honor of that, let’s talk about favorite Valentine’s Day ideas. 1. Do nothing. For real, just...

Fun February Weekend Activities
What are you up to this weekend, readers? I’m writing from Israel, where it is not cold and not snowing, so if you want to hop over the...

Myths About Drinks
WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING RIGHT NOW? I’ve been thinking a lot about what kinds of drinks are good for your health, what are less good, and...

Hello Israel...and Jet Lag!
Alright, readers, let’s talk about jet lag. Why, you may ask? Well, this week the partier-in-chief (me!) moved with my entire family for...