Weekend Plans Part 3
In case you missed last weekend’s National Chemistry celebration at the Museum of Science, do not despair! The week ends with a similarly...

Weekend Plans Part 2
This is a wonderful weekend to be a chemist in Boston, because we are starting National Chemistry Week on Sunday with an enormous...

Weekend Plans
What are you up to this weekend, scientists? If you haven’t checked out King Richard’s Faire, in Carver, MA, this would be a great time...

Ski Season Safety
Last day of November, so I guess that mean’s ski season is just around the corner. I grew up skiing a few days a year (usually on one...

The Benefits of Chess
Let’s talk about chess. Why, you may ask? Well, on a personal note, my oldest child (and to a lesser extent, my younger two) have become...

All About Cranberries
Continuing in our Thanksgiving theme, let’s talk about cranberries. There is a strong local crop of cranberries (see blog post from...

Why Does Turkey Make You Tired?
One week away from Thanksgiving, so let’s talk about turkey. First, true confessions: I do not actually like eating turkey. I don’t like...

Daylight Savings
As you may have noticed, we changed the clocks this past weekend, and so now it is starting to really feel like winter is coming....

Vaccines - Harmful or Helpful?
Happy Halloween, readers! What are you doing to celebrate this exciting annual event? Around here, our family doesn't actually do much...

Another Fall Weekend
It’s going to be a weekend, again! What are you doing? Lots of Halloween options for the last weekend before Halloween occurs, in Boston,...