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The Party Elements' Year in Review

This is the last post of 2017, and so in honor of that, I would like to take a moment to talk about what The Party Elements has been through this year:

1. We started running parties in May 2017, and became an official LLC in September.

2. We have run 23 events, including a family reunion, an event at a Senior Activity Center,

girl scout events, library events, and lots and lots of birthday parties! Our youngest audience was for a 3-year old birthday party, and our oldest audience was for the event at the Senior Center. Our closest location was at The Party Elements science house in Sharon, MA, and the farthest location was in New York City.

3. We have also run two vacation programs, including The Party Elements mini-camp at the end of August, and Rockets and Robotics for Veteran’s Day.

4. We have lots planned for 2018, including a February vacation day program on Kitchen Chemistry, more summer camp programming, and 7 parties already scheduled! We are also in talks to bring The Party Elements to a variety of day camps and sleepaway camps in the area through one-day vacation programming.

We are so excited to be able to bring science to so many children and adults throughout the Rhode Island and greater Boston area. Thank you for inviting us into your homes, businesses, and schools to share our excitement and enthusiasm for science. Stay curious and keep having scientific fun! Happy New Year, readers!

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