Friday the 13th
Happy Friday the 13th, scientists and readers! In honor of Friday the 13th, we are running two exciting events tonight, one at a local Cub Scout troop where we are going to be freezing (and smashing) pumpkins, and making Jack o Lanterns puke out of their carved mouths using our favorite explosion demonstration, elephant toothpaste (bleach, yeast, soap, and food coloring, for those who want a reminder on what elephant toothpaste actually is). Also, we are making banana farts, because, well, farts are funny.

Are you looking for something else to do besides making pumpkins puke? Well, Rhode Island readers might want to check out this Jack O Lantern Spectacular Festival at Roger Williams Zoo -! I have not been here, personally, but we are going to try to check it out before the season closes. Lots of jack o lanterns to see, and a new Soaring Eagle Zip Ride. What more could you want?
Last Monday, which was Columbus Day, I had signed up to run my first 10K race EVER, the Tufts 10K for Women - I have been a terrible runner for as long as I can remember, but recently I have decided to start running as a particularly time-efficient way to get exercise done quickly.

So, I had signed up, and I was planning on doing it, but then Sunday night I checked the forecast for Monday in Boston, and it looked awful for running. In consultation with my own lazy alter-ego (and a husband) (and my personal trainer), I decided to skip the event and run 6.2 miles around Sharon, MA. Which, I will report in, was done in approximately 100% humidity with periodic downpours. It was terrible running weather, so I ran slower than normal, but after 1 hour and 10 minutes, I returned to my home, triumphantly disgustingly sweaty and accomplished.
What’s up next, readers? How about a half-marathon? Or a 10K race with some friends? Next year’s triathlons? Let me know! Would love to have someone join me!